The Universal 
Patient Language

The Universal Patient Language (UPL) is a set of resources that helps Healthcare teams communicate with patients about complex topics. We are constantly evolving the UPL as we learn new things.

  • Translate complex scientific data into digestible information
  • Make your communications relatable and meaningful to patients
  • Effectively use icons, visuals, and colors
  • Enable patient learning through digital media

Learn & Apply the UPL

Explore the UPL Principles and Tools for practical guidance on ways Healthcare teams improve patient communications.

About the UPL

Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) started to develop the UPL to provide practical tools and guidance to BMS teams who create patient communications.


UPL Case Studies

We have multiple case studies to teach healthcare providers on how we applied the UPL to patient Communications at BMS.

Patient Voice & Experience

We are a passionate group of BMS employees that contributes to assisting better patient experiences. We collaborate with people inside and outside BMS to apply and evolve the UPL.

What our collaborators are saying about the UPL


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