
Prototyping is a way of quickly experimenting with many different
ways of solving a problem. A prototype is a partially finished version 
that captures the key details of a solution.

Watch this video to understand more about the role of prototyping at Bristol Myers Squibb.

Prototypes for patient communications are not fancy — they’re usually just a series of rough sketches — but they capture key aspects of the design. Prototyping allows participants to quickly see, react to, and modify specific details. Being specific is important, because the details make the difference between good solutions and great solutions.

With prototyping, we quickly create new versions as we receive each new round of feedback, so that by the time we’ve created our final communication, it already incorporates the perspectives of many different people. This means our end result is more aligned with the needs of users, and more likely to be useful right away.

Rough prototypes for patient education materials.

A patient shares his team’s prototype with the larger group.

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